
Guardian for intangible cultural heritages in Taishun county

(ezhejiang.gov.cn) Updated : 2019-03-19

In 2016, three old covered bridges were destroyed by a flood. Villagers volunteered to look for parts of the bridges and finally collected 90 percent of the total. After getting approval from the National Cultural Heritage Administration, Taishun decided to rebuild these three bridges at their original locations.

Ji's photos taken during his surveys and field trips were a great help to the restorers. He traveled among the three construction sites every day, discussing every detail with the construction team and ICH inheritors. The construction work took a year and the new bridges were unveiled to the public on Dec 16, 2017.


Ji's photos of covered bridges contribute to the restoration of destroyed bridges in Taishun. [Photo by Ji Haibo]

Ji thinks his job is quite rewarding as, with his efforts, some ICH items continue to exist and are promoted well.

He said ICH items are all about life and need to be innovated when being spread. Under his guidance, 22 bases for ICH experience have been established in Wenzhou with over 1,500 cultural activities and more than 170,000 participants involved every year.

"In the future, there is still a lot of ICH-related work to do," Ji said.

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