
Call for establishing national ecological civilization day

(ezhejiang.gov.cn) Updated : 2020-05-25



The delegation from Zhejiang to the third session of the 13th National People's Congress (NPC) announced it would submit a motion about making August 15 National Ecological Civilization Day, at a plenary session on May 21.

This is the first motion to be submitted in the name of the Zhejiang delegation.

National Ecological Civilization Day is to celebrate the famous "Two Mountains" theory put forward on Aug 15, 2005 in Yu village, Anji county, Huzhou, in Zhejiang province, which stresses that mountains and water are invaluable assets.

Many provinces and cities have established an ecological civilization day, including Zhejiang, Guizhou and Xi'an.

Huzhou city in Zhejiang set August 15 as its ecological civilization day in 2015.

"We have been developing eco-friendly tourism in recent years and have turned our village from one with debt of 3.8 million yuan ($533,116) to a hot tourist destination with annual revenue of more than 5 million yuan. Per capita annual income of local residents surpassed 50,000 yuan," said Sun Guowen, Party chief of Wusi village, Deqing county, in Huzhou.

Fang Ming, director of the provincial environmental protection department, said that National Ecological Civilization Day would help promote environmental protection across the country.