New book shows Chinese silk on Russian military flags in Swedish collection
Chinese Silk on Russian Military Flags in Swedish Collection
(A new perspective on the study of Chinese silk and the Silk Road during the period of Emperor Kangxi and Peter the Great)
[Photo provided to]
Book Information:
Authors: Chief Editor Zhao Feng, Associate Chief Editors Su Miao, Lena Engquist Sandstedt
ISBN 978-7-308-20164-3
Book size: 210*285
Words: 418 k
About the book:
This book is the result of an in-depth investigation and analysis of the art and technology of Chinese silk used in more than 300 Russian military flags in the Swedish Army Museum, and classifies, restores and studies the silk patterns on them. This book was co-written by Chinese, Swedish, and Russian experts. It is mainly composed of research articles, pattern analysis, and military flag cataloging. "Part 1 Articles" includes the culture and history, general introduction, silk weaving techniques and artistic characteristics of the Russian military flags in the Swedish collection. There are five articles in total. "Part 2 Patterns" includes complete and partial pictures of the cultural relics of 127 Russian military flags in the Swedish collection, as well as pictures of their pattern restoration and the corresponding research and analysis of texts. "Part 3 Flags" is a catalogue composed of data such as manufacturing time, discovery site and usage time, fabric size, and pattern. This book is more than 400,000 words long and features more than 900 pictures.
About the authors:
Chief Editor: Zhao Feng is the director of the China National Silk Museum (NSM) in Hangzhou, the founder and the president of the International Association for Study of the Silk Road Textiles (IASSRT), the founder and the director of the Chinese Center for Textile Identification and Conservation (which is now the Key Scientific Research Base of Textile Conservation of State Administration of Cultural Heritage of China), the dean of the International Institute of Silk, under Zhejiang Sci-Tech University. He has published more than 10 academic books and 100 research articles, including The General History of Chinese Silk, Chinese Silks and A Comprehensive Research on Textiles from Dunhuang in the UK, French and Russian Collections.
Associate Chief Editor: Su Miao is the deputy director of the College of Textile Science and Engineering (International Institute of Silk) in Zhejiang Sci-Tech University (ZSTU), and the deputy director of the International Center for Silk and Silk Road Research ZSTU (ICSSRR). She did research at the Armémuseum (the Swedish Army Museum) of the National Swedish Museums of Military History, and the Danish National Research Foundation's Centre for Textile Research in 2014. In recent years, she has published more than 20 research articles, two academic books and four catalogues. She has presided over several research projects and won the honorary title of the first five-star young teacher in Zhejiang province.
Associate Chief Editor: Lena Engquist Sandstedt has been working as a textile conservator in the Swedish Army Museum with a special focus on the National Swedish Trophy Collection and flag conservation since 1987. She got her Bachelor of Arts in History of Art, Archaeology, and Romance Languages (French and Italian) from the University of Lund, and Bachelor of Arts in Textile Craft Education and Textile History from the University of Uppsala. She also took part in the preservation project of the Star-Spangled Banner in the National Museum of American History (Smithsonian Institution) in Washington D. C. in 2001‑2002.