
Quzhou city lands eco-environment improvement award

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2021-12-14

Progress being made down the path towards a green future by Quzhou city -- located in East China's Zhejiang province – was highlighted recently, when it won an eco-environment improvement award.

On Dec 9, the construction leading group office  of the "Beautiful Zhejiang" campaign announced the results of a survey on public satisfaction with the ecological environment in the cities of Zhejiang province in 2021.

With a total score of 89.34, Quzhou won first place in the province, according to local media reports.  

The researchers  used a comprehensive evaluation index which covered the urban ecological environment and public satisfaction with the environment, mainly in four areas – public awareness of the ecological environment quality, degree of satisfaction, a sense of acquisition  and suggestions.  

The results showed that the public’s satisfaction with Quzhou’s ecological and environmental quality has been continuously improving for five years, with its ranking in the province also gradually moving up.  

This year, Quzhou was recognized as a national ecological civilization construction model city. It was listed as an eco-civilization demonstration city during the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, in mid-November.  

The city is now reportedly focusing its actions towards achieving the goals of increasing productivity, achieving common prosperity, as well as promoting green development.