- http://quzhou.chinadaily.com.cn/2024-08/09/c_293842.htm
China's COVID-19 vaccines: Latest development
The latest progress on the vaccines against COVID-19.
Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol for COVID-19 — Treatment
China's National Health Commission recently issued the latest protocol on diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19. Let's have a look at some key points from the protocol through graphics.
Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol for COVID-19 — Case definitions
China's National Health Commission recently issued the latest protocol on diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19. Let's have a look at some key points from the protocol through graphics.
Quzhou Maternity and Child Healthcare Hospital
The new Quzhou Maternity and Child Healthcare Hospital on Baihui Road, Kecheng district in Quzhou was put into operation June 28.
Things parents should know about vaccines for their babies
Things parents should know about vaccines for their babies
10 medical institutions in Quzhou available for COVID-19 testing
Ten medical institutions in Quzhou are capable of offering COVID-19 nucleic acid sampling, testing, and antibody detection services.