Home is where the art is
For rural farmers in Gejia village, the world of art and design is no longer out of reach. Art is coming down to earth in rural households.
Number of listed companies in Zhejiang exceeds 600
A total of 601 Zhejiang-based companies had been listed on stock markets at home and abroad by the end of June, according to the Local Financial Regulatory Bureau of Zhejiang.
Progress made on Big Garden construction
Zhejiang province announced a "Big Garden" construction project and designated a total of 20 model counties, county-level cities, and districts across the province to pilot the project in 2019. The pilot areas have made significant headway over the past year.
Shengzhou adopts 4.5-day work week
Shengzhou, a county-level city administered by Shaoxing city, Zhejiang province, recently announced that government bodies, social organizations, and enterprises will adhere to a 4.5-day work week from July 1 and December 31 this year.
Shaoxing at forefront of IPR protection
Shaoxing in East China's Zhejiang province ranked first in the province and fourth in the country in terms of its 2019 performance in protecting intellectual property rights, as evaluated by the National Intellectual Property Administration.
Zhejiang Museum bags master orpiment seal 'Mingxin Juepin'
Mingxin Juepin, a precious orpiment seal carved by master artist Chen Julai (1904-84), was donated by collector Lu Jingqing to the Zhejiang Provincial Museum July 2.
Alibaba hits 5-yr goal of $1t in gross merchandise volume
Chinese business giant Alibaba Group has completed its target set five years ago to achieve $1 trillion in gross merchandise volume this fiscal year, said Zhang Yong, the group's CEO, in a letter to shareholders on Friday.