GIAHS conference in Qingtian achieves zero carbon emissions
The carbon emissions cancellation certificate for the 2022 International Conference on Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems in Qingtian. [Photo/WeChat account: ls-mnews]
A special target was achieved at the 2022 International Conference on Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems that was held in Qingtian county – administered by Lishui city in East China's Zhejiang province – on July 17-19.
According to the organizers, the conference followed the concept of going green and low carbon by carrying out a series of emissions reduction measures in the areas of transportation, accommodation, catering and at venues, among others.
It's estimated that 200 metric tons of greenhouse gas were generated during the event. But the carbon emissions were all offset by certified emission reductions donated by Zhejiang Qingshan Steel Co Ltd, meaning a zero carbon goal was reached.
Certified emission reductions, or CERs, are a type of emissions unit or carbon credits. They are issued by the Clean Development Mechanism Executive Board for emission reductions achieved by CDM projects.
They are verified by a designated operational entity under the rules of the Kyoto Protocol. One CER is equal to 1 ton of carbon dioxide.