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Top tourism spots across Zhejiang offer discounted tickets

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: February 8, 2021

Numerous national 5A-level scenic spots, which are tourist attractions with the highest grade under China's rating system, in East China's Zhejiang province recently announced generous discounts or exemptions in entrance tickets for non-locals during the Spring Festival holiday and beyond.

West Lake Scenic Area in Hangzhou

Throughout February, people that do not have household registration in Hangzhou and who hold Hangzhou-issued residence permits can be exempted on the entrance ticket to any spot in the West Lake Scenic Area, with the exception of "Three Pools Mirroring the Moon" and Lingyin Temple. They can also enjoy a 50-percent discount on the tourism boat ticket, including the entrance ticket to "Three Pools Mirroring the Moon", the entrance ticket to Lingyin Temple, as well as the ticket for the sightseeing battery cart around the lake.

Xixi National Wetland Park in Hangzhou

Throughout February, people that do not have household registration in Hangzhou and who hold Hangzhou-issued residence permits can be exempted on the entrance ticket and enjoy a 50-percent discount on the tourism boat ticket.

Thousand-Islet Lake Scenic Area in Chun'an county

Throughout February, Zhejiang residents who have not left the province in the previous 14 days and who hold a green health code can enjoy free entry to the scenic area.

Xikou Scenic Area in Ningbo's Fenghua district

Between Feb 10 and March 10, non-local workers at private companies in Fenghua district can be exempted on the entrance ticket.

Yandang Mountain in Wenzhou's Yueqing

Between Jan 26 and Feb 28, Wenzhou residents can enjoy a 50-percent discount on some of the mainstream tourism spots in Yandang Mountain.

Nanxun Ancient Town in Huzhou

Throughout February, people that do not have household registration in Huzhou and who hold Huzhou-issued residence permits can be exempted on the entrance ticket.

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