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Wenzhou's entrepreneurs swap ideas on international growth

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: September 14, 2021


Top entrepreneurs hold a brainstorming session in the port city of Wenzhou in Zhejiang province on Sept 9 – swapping notes on just what it takes to expand businesses overseas. [Photo/news.66wz.com] 

Some 100 leading local entrepreneurs got together in the city of Wenzhou in East China's Zhejiang province on Sept 9, to swap ideas and share their successful techniques and experiences in expanding businesses overseas under the guidance of the Belt and Road Initiative. 

Chen Liyi, deputy Party secretary of Wenzhou-based smart energy solutions provider CHINT, talked about the company's role in supplying all the electrical equipment to the new Cambodian Tatay hydroelectric power station. Chen said that facility had resolved the electricity problems of many nearby small and medium-sized cities and was proving to be a great driver for Cambodia's economic and social development. 

Elsewhere, Wenzhou Amusement Park chairman Jin Pingliang discussed his group's acquisition of a near-bankrupt zoo in the Canadian city of Vancouver. Jin said his company considered it a golden  opportunity to build up the image of Chinese enterprises by upgrading the park and taking good care of animals. As a result, their efforts had received overwhelmingly positive recognition from the locals and they were awarded the title of Best Zoo by the Canadian Council on Animal Care.

Zhang Yongshu, president of the Wenzhou General Chamber of Commerce in Spain, gave a briefing  its charity activities in Spain and said that they expected to give back to the local communities by introducing Chinese culture.


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