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'Migrating' families flock to Yandang Mountain by RV

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: December 7, 2021


The campground at the foot of Yandang Mountain is filled with RVs from across the country. [Photo/tmuyun.com]

The picturesque Yandang Mountain in Yueqing county of Wenzhou, Zhejiang province has in recent weeks been receiving an average of 10 families in recreational vehicles every day, local media outlets reported.

Many of these families are from the northern Chinese provinces such as Liaoning, Henan, and Shandong.

These families would use the campgrounds for rest, clean their cars, enjoy a snack and shoot the breeze with their neighbors.

A man surnamed Huang from Shandong province said he learned from his friend that Yandang Mountain is beautiful and warm in winter, and this convinced him to make the trip.

"As a retiree, I enjoy 'migrating' to cool places in summer and warm areas in winter," Huang said. "My RV is my mobile home that frees me from accommodation concerns."

Yandang Mountain is famous for its magnificent peaks, waterfalls and caves. It is one of the China's top 10 must-see mountains and was named a "World Geopark" by UNESCO in 2005.


A tourist flies a drone at the Yandang Mountain scenic spot. [Photo/tmuyun.com]


RVs allow their users to be free of accommodation concerns. [Photo/tmuyun.com]

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