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40 projects worth $14b in investment break ground in Wenzhou

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: January 6, 2022


A rendering of the offshore plant located in the east sea of Cangnan county in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province. [Photo/WeChat account: wenzhoufabu]

An online ceremony organized by the Zhejiang provincial government marking the start of construction on 40 investment projects with a combined value of 92.1 billion yuan ($14.44 billion) was held in Wenzhou, East China's Zhejiang province, on Jan 5.

The planned investment of the projects is 11 billion yuan this year, and Wenzhou ranked second among cities in Zhejiang province in terms of both the number of projects and their combined value.

The projects mainly involve industrial development (37%), infrastructure (35%), public services (10%), district and county development (28%), and urban organic renewal (18%).

One of the projects is an offshore wind plant located in the east sea of Cangnan county. With a planned area of 44 square kilometers, the project will consist of offshore wind power generators with a combined installed capacity of 300 megawatts, one 220-kilovolt offshore booster station, and one 24.2-mu (1.6 hectares) road metering station. Total investment in the project is about 5.2 billion yuan.

Other important projects that started construction in Wenzhou that day included a photovoltaic plant, the western part of a riverside expressway, the reconstruction and extension of the Shuangyu branch of Wenzhou Central Hospital, the construction of infrastructure on Qidu Island, which is designated by the Wenzhou government as a scientific and technological island with an international outlook and a futuristic style, and several government-subsidized houses.

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