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Wenzhou out to woo outstanding talent

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: January 7, 2022


A panoramic view of Wenzhou, East China's Zhejiang province. [Photo by Chen Hui/WeChat account: wenzhoufabu]

Wenzhou in East China's Zhejiang province released an upgraded talent policy on Jan 1 that aims to attract more high-caliber personnel from across the world.

One highlight of the policy is the integration of current talent resources to offer more policy preferences to outstanding talents. The city, which is aiming to attract five outstanding academicians every year, will award such talents with 5 million yuan ($784,000) in funds. The city will also award 30 million yuan or more to those running key projects.

High-end talents that have national, provincial or city-level titles will be awarded 2 million yuan, 1 million yuan, and 300,000 yuan respectively.

Another highlight of the policy is the attraction of more college graduates and technical professionals. For example, new full-time doctors under the age of 40 will be given an employment subsidy of 80,000 yuan.

Meanwhile, graduates, undergraduates and junior college students who work in small, medium and micro- enterprises in Wenzhou within five years after graduation will be given employment subsidies of 40,000 yuan, 20,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan respectively.

The policy also includes a move to integrate talents with various industries, entrepreneurial innovation, financial policies, project attraction, and a more complete management system.

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