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Rice cakes

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: January 18, 2022

Rice cakes are known by every Wencheng resident. [Video/Wencheng county publicity department]

Southern Chinese prefer rice-based foods, and residents of Wencheng county, Wenzhou, Zhejiang province are no exception.

Their affection for rice has turned it into the staple food in the region, and glutinous rice cakes, which are sticky and in tender sweet, enrich the tables of every household during traditional festivals.

The unique chewy texture and subtle ashy smell of the rice cakes have are known by every Wencheng resident.

In the video, we will visit Sun's family, one of the few rural households in Wencheng to still preserve the old way of making rice cakes by hand. Sun's handmade rice cakes were recognized by the neighborhood to have a more authentic and traditional taste.

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