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Wenzhou's per capita disposable income near 60,000 yuan in 2021

chinadaily.com.cn|Updated: January 30, 2022

Wenzhou's overall per capita disposable income stood at 59,588 yuan ($9,167.3) in 2021, rising 10.3 percent on a yearly basis and 7.6 percent on a two-year average basis, official statistics from the Wenzhou branch of the National Bureau of Statistics show.

The per capita disposable income of its urban residents increased 9.8 percent year-on-year to 69,678 yuan, while the figure for rural residents was 35,844 yuan, up 10.5 percent year-on-year.

The fast growth of wages for local residents has bolstered the income growth.

The per capita wage income for urban residents expanded 10.8 percent to 36,114 yuan, while the figure for their rural counterparts stood at 20,990 yuan, an increase of 11.2 percent.

Strong growth momentum in operating income in 2021 also played a role in the income increase.

The per capita net operating incomes of urban and rural residents in Wenzhou stood at 11,872 yuan and 8,617 yuan, up 10.4 percent and 10.5 percent respectively.

The income growth can also be partly attributed to growth in net property income and net transfer income over the year.


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