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Railway bridge following green standards joined together

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: March 25, 2022


A bird's-eye view of the railway bridge over the Nanxi River in Yongjia county, Wenzhou. [Photo/66wz.com]

The main sections of the large-scale bridge crossing the Nanxi River in Yongjia county, Wenzhou were recently joined together, marking a major step forward in the construction of the Hangzhou-Wenzhou High-speed Railway.

The bridge, spanning a total length of 721.5 meters and featuring a designed speed of 350 km per hour, is being constructed in line with strict construction and environmental protection standards to preserve the farmlands and rivers below it.

According to official figures, 64.6 percent of the bridge has been completed, while the excavation of tunnels connecting it, namely the Baiyan Mountain Tunnel and Huatan Tunnel, are 65.7 percent complete.

The Hangzhou-Wenzhou High-speed Railway, which connects the cities of Hangzhou, Jinhua (Yiwu) and Wenzhou, is regarded as a way for both northern and southern Zhejiang province to move closer to common prosperity.

Once completed, the travel time from Wenzhou to Hangzhou will be shortened from the original two hours to one hour, while tourist attractions in Hangzhou, Jinhua and Wenzhou will be connected, and the once remote areas of Xianju, Pan'an Dongyang and Pujiang will be brought into the high-speed railway network.

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