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US professor explores Wenzhou's child-friendly development

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: April 18, 2022

Kimberly Koll-Zhu, an associate professor from the United States, receives a warm welcome from students at the Zhouyuan Elementary School in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province. [Video/Wenzhou Overseas Media Center]

Kimberly Koll-Zhu from Florida, the United States, is currently working as an associate professor at Wenzhou University.

In this episode, she visits the Zhouyuan Elementary School to explore the lives of local children.

Zhu said that Wenzhou is making efforts to become a child-friendly city and with the campaign "observing the city at one-meter in height", which puts adults in children's shoes so as to better understand the needs of the youngsters.

"As an international friend and educator, I will try my best to help develop Wenzhou into a child-friendly city," Zhu said.

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