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Wenzhou speeds up industrial intelligent transformation

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: May 13, 2022

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The manufacturing base of electric vehicle manufacturer Weltmeister in Wenzhou. [Photo/ifeng.com]

Due to the crucial help of industrial giants, the intelligent transformation of Wenzhou, a coastal city in East China's Zhejiang province, is progressing smoothly, from enterprises to the entire industry chain, local media outlets reported.

According to targets rolled out by Wenzhou for the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) period, the city will accelerate the integration of the new-generation information technology and manufacturing industries, highlight the application of technologies such as 5G and artificial intelligence in intelligent manufacturing, and speed up the cultivation of new models for manufacturing.

Wenzhou has gave details on the intelligent transformation and digital management in five industries.

For the electrical industry, the city will launch pilot projects for intelligent energy and promote the R&D and application of new and clean energy products, while for the footwear and clothing industry, it will focus on the innovation of intelligent and customized manufacturing models.

An intelligent network will be designed for the automobile and auto parts industry, with a number of iconic intelligent workshops to be built around vehicle production, power battery system, and automatic braking systems.

As funding was one of the most common problems for technical reform, Wenzhou has enlarged its financial support for local enterprises, with projects worth 5 million yuan ($745,500) and higher can receive a subsidy worth 20 percent of its actual investment in production equipment over the course of one year, and projects worth i2 to 5 million yuan can receive a subsidy worth 15 percent of their production equipment investment.

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