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Italian engineer lives exciting life in Wenzhou

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: May 16, 2022

Watch the video to learn about Italian engineer Martino Burlamacchi's story in Wenzhou. [Video/Wenzhou Overseas Media Center]

In this episode of the second season of the Cool Wenzhou! short video series, Martino Burlamacchi, an Italian engineer, will share his life in Wenzhou, a coastal city in East China's Zhejiang province.

Burlamacchi moved to Wenzhou in 2012, but he first visited all the way back in 2004, when he stumbled upon an opportunity for a business trip to Wenzhou.

"I was expecting a kingdom of where people rode bicycles everywhere, as that’s what I've seen on Italian TV shows, but I was amazed by China's development, and it seemed more like a developed country than a developing one," Burlamacchi said.

His impression of Wenzhou people was that they were hardworking, friendly, and business-savvy.

"I've been living in Wenzhou for 10 years and have witnessed the city’s rapid development. I’ve been impressed with how Wenzhou people have kept up with China's development and actively pursue their own commercial goals," Burlamacchi said.

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