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Industrial tourism in high gear in Wenzhou

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: May 24, 2022

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Kangnai Group is a shoemaking giant headquartered in Lucheng district, Wenzhou. [Photo/WeChat account: wenzhoufabu]

As one of the birthplaces of China's private economy, Wenzhou boasts a solid industrial foundation and is believed to be the first city in China to experiment with industrial tourism.

In the 1990s, the vibrant private sector in Wenzhou attracted visitors from across the country. They visited local plant workshops, witnessed production processes with their own eyes, engaged in interactive games, and brought home cheap while quality items.

In the new era, with Wenzhou having incubated a number of well-known brands in industries such as footwear, apparel, food, and alley stone mining, how will the city maintain its lead in industrial tourism?

On May 19, in celebration of China Tourism Day, Wenzhou launched a total of 10 selected industrial tourism itineraries in an effort to showcase its most prosperous and unique industries.

Kangnai Group, a shoemaking giant headquartered in Lucheng district since 1980, is a must-visit destination, as it offers visitors a chance to witness its world-leading shoemaking equipment and manufacturing techniques, as well as its digital marketing skills and immersive consumption scenarios.

The best way to tour the coastal district of Dongtou is through an immersive exploration of its seafood industry, including kelp and shellfish breeding bases and a shell carving museum, to experience how the hardworking Wenzhou people enriched both their monetary and spiritual worlds.

The Glasses Town, with a total investment of 5 billion yuan ($749.5 million), has also become a flagship scenic spot in Ouhai district, as it gives people a look into how the local glasses industry has developed nothing into a famous brand in China.

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China's Glasses Town is located in Ouhai district. [Photo/WeChat account: wenzhoufabu]

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