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Wenzhou mathematician gains highest award in Chinese mathematics

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: August 3, 2022


Chen Gao (R2) is awarded the ICCM Mathematics Prize in Nanjing, Jiangsu province on July 31. [Photo/WeChat account: sjwzr-ysq]

Chen Gao, 28, a mathematician native to Rui'an, Wenzhou and a professor at the Institute of Geometry and Physics of the University of Science and Technology of China, won the silver prize in mathematics at the ninth International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians on July 31.

The ICCM Mathematics Prize, the highest award in China for mathematics, was first awarded in 1998 to recognize Chinese mathematicians under the age of 45 who have made outstanding achievements in basic and applied mathematics and outstanding contributions to the advancement of mathematics.

Chen devoted himself to the study of complex geometry and managed to prove with his tutor Chen Xiuxiong at the University of Science and Technology of China in 2015, when he was just 21, that there are only four kinds of gravitational instantons. It was an important advance in the field of differential geometry, and after lengthy review, the paper Gravitational instantons with faster than quadratic curvature decay was published in journals such as Acta Mathematica, one of the world's four largest mathematical journals, at the end of 2021

"I'm deeply honored to receive this ICCM award," Chen said at the award ceremony. "Researchers of basic mathematics like me often must work on topics not studied by our predecessors. The process of solving these mathematical problems is like a long run that sometimes goes on for several generations. I can use all the help and support I can get."

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