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Wenzhou extols development over past decade

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: August 29, 2022


Officials from Wenzhou in East China's Zhejiang province hold a news conference on Aug 28 briefing attendees on the city's progress over the past decade. [Photo/WeChat account: wenzhoufabu]

Wenzhou, a coastal city in East China's Zhejiang province, has made remarkable progress since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012, authorities said at a news conference held on Aug 28.

Liu Xiaotao, secretary of the CPC Hangzhou Municipal Committee, said that the city has, in the new era, seen results in various undertakings, including scientific and technological innovation, the private economy, people's wellbeing, urban development, and reform and opening-up.

Wenzhou has, especially since last year, emphasized the formation of clusters for its traditional pillar industries and emerging leading industries, with the aim of having their respective values reach 1 trillion yuan ($144.6 billion).

To accelerate the modernization of its industrial layout, Wenzhou has on one hand continued attracting large projects and on the other hand supported local enterprise sto realize investment and enhance productivity.

Wenzhou has also prioritized sci-tech innovation via the construction of strategic sci-tech platforms, high-level universities, new-type research institutes, and incubation and cultivation systems, technological transformation of enterprises, cultivation of sci-tech enterprises, introduction and cultivation of innovative talent, and development of sci-tech finance.

With rich cultural deposits, Wenzhou is striving to promote its cultural treasures, including the Yongjia School of Thought, Song Dynasty (960-1279) culture, ancient cultural relics, and 10 major cultural landmarks represented by the Wenzhou Art Museum.

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