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Wenzhou explores sound development of private economy, entrepreneurs

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: September 1, 2022


The 2021 gathering for private entrepreneurs in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province kicked off on Oct 31, 2021. The city has designated Nov 1 as the Day for Private Entrepreneurs. [Photo/WeChat account: wenzhoufabu]

By closely following Two Healthy thought, Wenzhou, a coastal city dubbed the "birthplace of the private economy in China", is pushing forward its private sector relying on unique local characteristics, local media outlets reported.

Two Healthy thought, which Wenzhou has been working on for four years, refers to the healthy development of China's non-public sector and the healthy growth of those engaged in it.

Putting the needs of enterprises first and helping micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises in particular overcome COVID-19-induced difficulties have been the priority of the Wenzhou government in recent years. The government has rolled out a series of customized and preferential policies such as cutting taxes and administrative fees, stabilizing the job market, and offering financial support.

Statistics show that in the first seven months of this year, Wenzhou cut a total of 39.5 billion yuan ($5.71 billion) in fees, effectively alleviating the impact of COVID-19 on enterprises and promoting the healthy development of the private sector.

What's more, in the first half of this year, Wenzhou's GDP increased by 3.3 percent year on year, 0.8 percentage points higher than that of Zhejiang province and China as a whole and ranking third in the province.

Wenzhou has also attached importance to the sound development of entrepreneurs, rolling out the country's first local regulations, enabling entrepreneurs to take part in and voice their opinions on key economic and industrial policies.

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