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Foreigners enjoy a festive Mid-Autumn Day in Wenzhou

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: September 13, 2022

Foreigners who cannot make the trip to Wenzhou extend holiday greetings through video. [Video/Wenzhou Overseas Media Center]

Wenzhou in East China's Zhejiang province held a Mid-Autumn Day celebration on Sept 7, inviting foreigners, overseas cultural promoters, and media workers to enjoy the festive atmosphere, local media outlets reported.

Many foreigners expressed their joy through song, such as Percy David PaPa Akuetteh, a Ghanaian who has been living in the city for 12 years, sang the classic song The Moon Represents My Heart, and Abdul Zahir Hamad, a doctor at the local Panhealth Medical Center, recited a famous poem from the Song Dynasty (960-1127).

Fabio and Hosany Sumayyah, two "old friends" of Wenzhou who could not make the trip this time, extended festival greetings via short videos.

Fabio, a biology and chemistry teacher, recalled his living and working experiences in Wenzhou and wished everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival. Hosany Sumayyah, a Mauritian doctor who is currently in her hometown, said she hoped for a family reunion.

A variety of traditional cultural and sporting activities were also held at the event, inviting participants to solve bilingual lantern riddles and try touhu, or pitch-pot, in which they threw arrows into wine pitchers.

The event was organized by the Wenzhou cyberspace administration, Lucheng district foreign affairs office, and Lucheng district overseas Chinese federation.

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