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Wenzhou's thousand-year history: From poetic escape to pop tourist site

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: September 15, 2022

Watch the video to explore the Mid River Islet and Gongyuan Road from the perceptive of both a Wenzhou native and a foreigner. [Video/Wenzhou Overseas Media Center]

Lucheng district in Wenzhou, which boasts a history of more than 1,000 years, still exudes a unique charm on every street, lane, brick and tile of the ancient city. The Mid River Islet and Gongyuan Road are the two oldest sites in Lucheng.

The Mid River Islet has been called a "fairy island" and a "poetic island on the Oujiang River" since ancient times. Over the millennia, literati and poets have made nearly 800 famous poems about the island.

Gongyuan Road, known as the Town God's Alley in ancient times, is home to historical relics such as the Zhongshan Bridge and ancient city walls.

The two sites have undergone more than a year of upgrading and reopened to the public in 2020. In this episode, we will follow Wenzhou native Ye Xueping and foreigner Sumayyah Hosany as they explore the unique charm of the sites.

Ye is the chief supervisor of the Wenzhou Overseas Chinese Women's Federation, while Hosany is a Mauritian surgeon who has been living in China for 13 years.

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