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Ouhai in a decade: The inspiring, rapid-growth years

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: September 26, 2022


The Shangen music and art town in Ouhai district. [Photo by Wang Bin/WeChat account: wenzhoufabu]

The past decade has been a period of transformation, catching up and rapid development for Ouhai, said Zeng Ruihua, Party secretary of the district, at a news conference on Sept 13, local media outlets reported.

Ouhai's GDP rose from 32 billion yuan ($4.5 billion) in 2011 to 77 billion yuan last year, with an average annual growth rate of 7.8 percent. The district's comprehensive strength is now among the top 35 districts, counties and county-level cities in Zhejiang province for the first time and 66th among the top 100 districts in China.

The proportion of R&D expenditures in Ouhai was among the top 20 in Zhejiang province. It also became a leader in Zhejiang for its innovation index. The district has won a provincial "technological innovation award", the first time a region administered by Wenzhou has won the honor. It has also been listed as one of the top 100 scientific and technological innovation areas in China.

In addition, Ouhai has been promoting Red culture and tourism over the past 10 years, represented by the former site of the Communist Party of South Zhejiang, the Wenzhou peaceful liberation negotiation site, and the Liaoyuan Producers' Cooperative, where the policy of fixing farm output quotas for each household has been strictly followed.

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