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2022 World Young Scientist Summit to open in Wenzhou in November

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: October 9, 2022

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The opening ceremony of the 2021 World Young Scientist Summit was held in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province on Nov 13, 2021. [Photo/WYSS 2021]

The China Association for Science and Technology announced on Sept 29 that the 2022 World Young Scientist Summit will continue to be held in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province. This is the fourth time the eastern Chinese coastal city has hosted the event.

The opening ceremony will be held on Nov 12, inviting scientists under the age of 45, especially those who have won the China Youth Science and Technology Award, Female Scientist Award, and Qiushi Outstanding Youth Award.

A number of sub-events will be held during the opening ceremony, including an open dialogue for young scientists from China and Europe, a global young science and technology leader roundtable, an international symposium on carbon energy, and a mass health forum.

The open dialogue for young scientists from China and Europe will be held for the first time overseas in the Belgium capital of Brussels, supported by over 20 international sci-tech organizations and European universities and attracting a number of big names in the academic community.

The former summits have helped Wenzhou make a number of achievements, such as its talent incubator being put into use, its maker space attracting several projects, its entrepreneurial fund pool accumulating over 10 billion yuan ($1.4 billion), and its summer academy project reaching cooperative deals with Westlake University, Zhejiang Laboratory, Oujiang Laboratory, and Alibaba.

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