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Wenzhou strengthens image as 'cradle of mathematicians'

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: October 26, 2022


From left to right, statues of three Wenzhou native mathematicians: Jiang Lifu, Su Buqing, and Gu Chaohao. [Photo/WeChat account: zhejiangxuanchuan]

The five-day Forum on Mathematics and its Applications, a sideline event and prelude to the 2022 World Young Scientist Summit, drew to an end in Wenzhou, East China's Zhejiang province, on Oct 26.

The event was attended by hundreds of mathematicians and experts from home and abroad, who shared their insights into basic mathematics, applied mathematics, graph theory, and combinatorial mathematics both online and offline.

Ye Yongnan, a native Wenzhou mathematician and professor at Wenzhou University, gave several suggestions on his hometown solidifying its reputation as the "cradle of mathematicians".

Ye suggested Wenzhou host at least one international and one domestic mathematics events every year and invite more mathematicians to work at the local Wenzhou University.

Wu Yifei, a professor at Tianjin University, suggested Wenzhou hold academic exchanges between Wenzhou mathematicians, strengthen cooperation with other universities, and put more effort into the introduction and cultivation of math researchers.

Experts and scholars were also invited to deliver 50 academic reports in total, including renowned figures such as Richard Stanley of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, Jiang Song of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Sohail Nadeem of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences.


Chen Gao (R2) is awarded the ICCM Mathematics Prize in Nanjing, Jiangsu province on July 31. [Photo/WeChat account: zhejiangxuanchuan]

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