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World Young Scientist Summit catalyst for Wenzhou's industrial development

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: November 9, 2022


The entrepreneurship incubator of the World Young Scientist Summit. [Photo/wenzhou.gov.cn]

Three years since the first World Young Scientist Summit kicked off in Wenzhou, East China's Zhejiang province, the coastal city has carried out 65 key projects, facilitated two local pillar industries, built a bridge between private enterprises and innovative platforms, and empowered the private sector with higher-quality development.

On one hand, the sci-tech innovation brought about by the summit has driven the transformation and upgrading of Wenzhou's traditional industries.

For example, the collaborative innovation center for engineers in the auto parts industry was a fruit of the Rui'an government and China Society of Automotive Engineers during last year's event.

By launching an online matchmaking platform boasting a talent pool of 2,882 engineers, the center has helped five Rui'an automakers enact nine national standards, greatly boosting the development of China's auto parts capital.

On the other hand, the positive role WYSS has played in speeding up the transformation and application of sci-tech innovations has created new possibilities for Wenzhou's economic progress.

The high-performance electronic paste for silicon solar cells produced by the Wenzhou Advanced Manufacturing Institute of the Huazhong University of Science and Technology, a project realized during last year's summit, was a typical example.

The electronic paste has broken the monopoly of foreign enterprises in photovoltaic cells and has achieved small-scale production, with its output value expected to exceed 30 million yuan ($4.32 million) this year.

The China Gene Medicine Valley, which was put into operation at the second WYSS two years ago, has also attracted a number of world-leading life science enterprises, saw its life science industry generate 1.57 billion yuan in output last year.

Moreover, the event has been helping local enterprises overcome obstacles, allowing the city to generate 21.78 billion yuan in technological trade from January to September, the third highest in Zhejiang province.

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