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Wenzhou Intl Import Expo now on agenda

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: November 15, 2022


An outdoor display of the Wenzhou International Import Expo. [Photo/zjol.com.cn]

The fourth Wenzhou International Import Expo from Nov 17 to 20 is expected to present nearly 1,000 kinds of goods from 30 countries and regions across the globe, local media outlets reported.

With Canada as the guest of honor at this year's edition, the North American country will lead a delegation of 20 enterprises and 29 brands to showcase its national characteristics, culture, tourism attractions, and competitive industries.

Roughly 20 Canadian government officials, enterprise chiefs, and trade association directors will be invited to attend the event's sideline economic and trade sessions.

Pavilions on helping people pursue a better life will be a highlight of the expo. They will include cosmetics, mother and baby products, imported food and beverages, imported wine, and daily necessities.

The event will also feature venues on intelligent living facilities by inviting a number of sophisticated automakers, business jets, parachute gliders, and yachts, represented by Lincoln and Bentley.

The expo is sponsored by the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Commerce and Wenzhou municipal government and undertaken by the Wenzhou commerce bureau.

Highlighting opening-up in recent years, Wenzhou has registered a combined foreign trade value of 218.73 billion yuan ($31.1 billion) in the first three quarters of this year, growing 28.1 percent year on year. The city has also joined the ranks of national import trade demonstration zones and provincial leaders in high-standard RCEP cooperation.

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