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Wenzhou's Jan-Oct foreign trade exceeds 2021

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: November 28, 2022


A freight train carrying 40 TEUs of hardware products arrives at Wenzhou Port in March. [Photo/66wz.com]

Statistics from Wenzhou Customs show that the city registered a total foreign trade value of 242.3 billion yuan ($33.61 billion) from January to October this year, surpassing the total value in 2021 with a year-on-year increase of 26.3 percent.

Exports were valued at 208.48 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 30.9 percent, while imports increased 4.2 percent to 33.82 billion yuan.

In addition to the steady progress of deals applying traditional business models, Wenzhou's foreign trade was stimulated by the implementation of new business patterns and platforms related to market procurement, cross-border e-commerce, and comprehensive bonded zones.

Statistics show that in the first 10 months of this year, the value of Wenzhou's market procurement exports reached 33.33 billion yuan, accounting for 16.0 percent of the city's total exports. The foreign trade value generated by cross-border e-commerce platforms was 22.06 billion yuan, 70 more than the same period last year.

Freight trains shuttling between Wenzhou and Europe have also infused new momentum into local foreign trade development. Exports delivered by Wenzhou enterprises for Europe were valued at 6.88 billion yuan and weighed in at 14,384 tons, while imports from Europe came in at 200 TEUs with a total weight of 2,600 tons.

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