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COVID management downgrade spurs travel abroad

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: January 10, 2023


People wait in the lobby of the entry and exit administration bureau of Wenzhou on Jan 9, the first working day following the policy change. [Photo by Pan Peiqi/66wz.com]

China's decision to downgrade COVID-19 management starting Jan 8 has boosted international travel among residents of Wenzhou in East China's Zhejiang province, local media outlets reported.

Hundreds of locals swarmed to the city's entry and exit administration bureau to apply for passports on Jan 9, the first working day following the policy change.

Although preliminary plans were made to deal with the mounting number of applicants, officers of the Bureau of Exit and Entry Administration of the Wenzhou Public Security Bureau found themselves much busier than anticipated.

City residents are advised to make an appointment for their passport application to reduce crowding, and those who want to travel abroad should read up on the pandemic response policies of their destination countries in advance, the bureau said.

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