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A village in East China meets a medieval town in Europe

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: January 29, 2023

Watch the video to learn the stories of Yuantou village in Yongjia and Besalu in Spain. [Video/Wenzhou Overseas Media Center]

For those who have been living in a downtown area, what kind of countryside would you like to visit in your spare time? Is it an ancient traditional Chinese village or a European town riddled with medieval architecture?

In this video, Shagul Bakyyeva from Turkmenistan and Cheng Jiahui, a second-generation Wenzhou native who currently lives in Spain, will explore Yuantou village in Yongjia, Wenzhou and Besalu in Catalonia, Spain.

In late autumn, Yuantou village is full of poetic charm. Strolling through white walls and black tiles, time seems to slow down. Villagers have transformed unused houses into homestays and opened a special café themed on crochet art. These changes have brought new vitality to the ancient village.

Buildings in Besalu have weathered many centuries and traces of history are everywhere. Relying on its booming tourism industry, the place has prospered in a clever and unobtrusive way, becoming a combination of the ancient and modern.

Though thousands of miles apart, Yuantou and Besalu have retained their old traditions while keeping pace with the times.

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