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China-Europe freight trains bring tangible benefits to Wenzhou companies

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: February 6, 2023


A China-Europe (Yiwu-Xinjiang-Europe) freight train is ready to depart Wenzhou. [Photo by Chen Xiang & Zhao Yong/WeChat account: wenzhoufabu]

After the Spring Festival holiday, freight trains traveling between China and Europe have been busy as companies resume production and their exports surge.

A return China-Europe (Yiwu-Xinjiang-Europe) freight train loaded with Kazakh barley was pulled into the storage yard of Wenzhou West Railway Station at 6 am on Feb 2, while just a day ago, a similar train carrying hardware, auto parts, textiles, clothing, and daily necessities left the railway station for Russia.

The two trains marked a good start for China-Europe (Yiwu-Xinjiang-Europe) freight trains in Wenzhou in 2023, the third year since Wenzhou began operating such services.

Statistics show that in 2022, the city dispatched a new record of 2,102 TEUs of goods through freight trains to Europe, a year-on-year increase of 138 percent.

To ensure that goods are not be overstocked and can arrive at their destination as soon as possible, Wenzhou has been beefing up efforts to streamline processes, improve clearance efficiency, and cut red tape.

"The freight trains have brought tangible benefits to foreign trade companies in Wenzhou, and what we can do is to simplify the procedures as much as we can," said Li Ke, head of the Wenzhou West Railway Station.

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