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What is Wenzhou planning for 2023?

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: February 10, 2023


A bird's-eye view of Wenzhou. [Photo/wenzhou.gov.cn]

The Wenzhou government recently announced its economic and social development plans for 2023, local media outlets reported.

The city is expected to see the per capita disposable income of its urban and rural residents rise by at least 6 percent and 7 percent, respectively in 2023, while the increase in the consumer price index will be kept below 3 percent, and the urban unemployment rate will be kept below 5 percent.

Promoting sustained economic recovery will be the top priority of this year's work. The city will strengthen policy support, make all-out efforts to expand effective investment, activate and expand consumption, stabilize foreign trade and promote opening-up, and optimize services for companies.

Innovation-oriented development and shaping itself into a talent hub will continue to be this year's focus. To achieve this goal, Wenzhou will accelerate the building of an innovation ecosystem, develop its "studious Wenzhou" brand, and speed up efforts to build regional talent centers.

Wenzhou will also pay attention to the real economy and speed up the construction of a modernized industrial system. It will vigorously promote the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry, boost the upgrading of the service sector and industrial platforms, and strive to attract more investment.

Aim to become a regional hub city, Wenzhou will work hard to develop a cross-regional and coordinated urban development model, build an interconnected transport network, and co-host the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022.

Wenzhou will focus on reform and strive to realize landmark reform achievements in key areas and promote market-based allocation of factors of production.

The city will continue to strive for green development by accelerating green and low-carbon transformation, continuing to prevent and control environmental pollution, and comprehensively strengthening ecological protection and restoration.

People's happiness and well-being is another priority, as Wenzhou will strive to realize coordinated and balanced development, accelerate rural and cultural vitalization, improve the social security system, and continue to put health issues on the agenda.

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