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Wenzhou deputies share reflections on Govt Work Report

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: March 6, 2023

Deputies from Wenzhou in East China's Zhejiang province expressed their reflections on China's 2023 Government Work Report after attending the first session of the 14th National People's Congress in Beijing on March 5. Here are some highlights.

Keywords: Technological Innovation

NPC deputy Li Xiaokun

As an insider in the education, technology, and medical circles, I will actively explore and build a biopharmaceutical innovation development ecosystem which is guided by major national needs while integrating government, universities, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies.

Keywords: Private Economy

NPC deputy Hu Chengzhong

In recent years, governments at all levels have provided strong support for the development of various market entities, and I deeply appreciate this. At Delixi, for example, we enjoy various tax reductions, exemptions, and policy incentives every year, totaling somewhere between 200 to 300 million yuan ($28.86 to 43.29 million). This is not only a great help to private companies, but also a shining example of "putting people first."

Keywords: Rural Revitalization

NPC deputy Chen Yingying

Wenzhou has built a livable and business-friendly countryside tailored to local conditions and explored new models of rural tourism in recent years. It has accelerated the modernization drive of agriculture and rural areas and promoted rural revitalization as a way to achieve common prosperity.

For example, in Haixia village of Dongtou district, with the help of local Red tourist attractions, the reuse of stone houses has transformed idle houses into resort hotels, helping locals earn an extra of 3 million yuan last year.

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