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'Cloud diagnosis' benefits overseas Chinese patients

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: March 16, 2023


Wenzhou provides traditional Chinese medicine services to overseas Chinese through an online platform. [Photo/WeChat account: wzwsjgzpt]

Wenzhou, a city in East China's Zhejiang province, has provided traditional Chinese medicine services to overseas Chinese through an online platform, local media reported.

The innovative video-link platform, created by Wenzhou's overseas Chinese affairs office, has helped many overseas Chinese, who are living in countries such as Russia, Italy and the United Arab Emirates, benefit from the diagnosis of their illness by doctors specializing in traditional Chinese medicine since it started trial operations in August.

Wenzhou is home to nearly 700,000 overseas Chinese scattering throughout more than 130 countries and regions around the world.

To meet the needs of overseas Chinese when it comes to traditional Chinese medicine, the city's overseas Chinese affairs office, since 2020, has invited more than 140 medical experts and professionals to form a consultation team, providing health consultation and other services to over 60,000 overseas Chinese.

"The online approach allows professional doctors with traditional Chinese medicine expertise to provide diagnosis and treatment services to overseas Chinese," said Chen Bing, vice-president of Wenzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, who participated in the diagnosis and treatment.

The online platform, known as "zhongyi weiqiao" (or traditional Chinese medicine for overseas Chinese), is expected to be officially launched in April this year.

In the future, the Wenzhou overseas Chinese affairs office said it will develop more modules, such as the integrated diagnosis of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, rely on intelligent medical equipment, and provide excellent consultation services.

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