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Wenzhou to launch 1,171 key projects this year

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: March 21, 2023


A rendering of the Wenzhou inner-city railway line S3. [Photo/WeChat account: wzrapp]

Wenzhou city in Zhejiang province plans to launch 1,171 major construction projects this year, with a total investment of some 2.5 trillion yuan ($363.37 billion) and an annual planned investment of 184.82 billion yuan, according to the 2023 Wenzhou Major Construction Project Plan issued recently.

Projects centering on key industries, infrastructure and people's livelihood will add new impetus to the city's high-quality economic and social development.

A total of 314 projects are focusing on things like social undertakings, urban renewal and environmental protection to improve people's quality of life. There are 488 projects in the fields of manufacturing, energy, modern services and industrial platforms and 369 involving infrastructure, including comprehensive transport, water conservancy and roads.

One example is the REPT new energy manufacturing base located in Wenzhou Bay General Aviation Industrial Park and Oufei Start-up Area, covering a land area of some 3,000 mu (200 hectares). The 2,000-mu power battery manufacturing base will have an annual production capacity of 100 gigawatt-hours. 

Other key projects include the Oujiang River Robot Industrial Park covering an area of about 355 mu with a demonstration area for robot applications, a base for the research, development and production of robots, a robot-themed museum and supporting facilities, and the 3-kilometer Fudong Road crossing channel project, which will adopt a two-way six-lane shield tunnel scheme with a designed speed of 60 kilometers per hour.

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