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Wenzhou, Indonesia cooperate on new energy product industrial park

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: April 7, 2023


An Indonesian employee at the Qingshan Industrial Park in Indonesia. [Photo/WeChat account: SH_CM_CXZ]

Dongtou district in Wenzhou, East China's Zhejiang province, signed an agreement for the China-Indonesia (Wenzhou) Industrial Cooperation Park with the Central Halmahera Regency in Indonesia on April 3, local media outlets reported.

The cooperation won support from both the Wenzhou municipal government and the Indonesian Coordinating Ministry for Maritime and Investment Affairs.

The Wenzhou New Energy Battery Material Industrial Park on Damao Island will lead the industrial park. It signed framework agreements on April 4-5 for park cooperation with the Qingshan Industrial Park and the Weida Bay Industrial Park in Indonesia, detailing cross-border park exchange and cooperation matters to accelerate the construction of the China-Indonesia (Wenzhou) Industrial Cooperation Park.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Indonesia and the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative.

The signing of three agreements in three days to deepen cooperation with Indonesia was a sign of Wenzhou's progress in implementing the RCEP and once again demonstrates the city's determination to strengthen its new energy production capacity and industrial chains.

The Central Halmahera Regency in Indonesia boasts world-class red nickel ore resources, a key raw material for new energy batteries.

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