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Foreigners immerse themselves in tea culture in Wencheng

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: April 10, 2023

Watch the video to learn more about the tea experience activity in Wencheng county. [Video provided to ezhejiang.gov.cn]

Three foreigners recently ventured deep into a tea plantation in Gongyang township, Wencheng county, Wenzhou, East China's Zhejiang province, and got a first-hand understanding of Chinese tea culture.

The foreigners were impressed by the dynamic scene at the planation– Tea leaves were thriving on the trees, painting the hills a vibrant green, and tea pickers were out in full force, enjoying the harvest season.

"When picking tea, we usually choose the topmost bud or a leaf with a bud, and gently pluck it with our fingertips," said Su Qingwu, a local craftsman who served as a guide.

After a brief tutorial, the three foreigners were able to wander among tea bushes and pick fresh new buds, gradually filling their baskets with tea leaves.

"I only knew that Chinese tea was delicious, but I had no idea that there was so much knowledge involved in picking tea. It's really a skill," exclaimed Akmal, who came from Tajikistan.

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