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Collective wedding for alumni marks 90th anniversary of Wenzhou University

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: May 4, 2023


A total of 156 alumni couples from all over China gather at Wenzhou University for a commemorative wedding on May 3. [Photo/wzrb.com.cn]

A total of 156 alumni couples from all over China gathered at Wenzhou University for a commemorative wedding on May 3, local media outlets reported.

The alumni couples got dressed in traditional costumes, walked hand in hand on campus, and reflected on their memories scattered around Mingxin Lake, the library, classrooms, and laboratories.

At 2:33 pm, the couples walked into the venue, performed hand-holding and food-sharing rituals in front of witnesses and well-wishers, stamped their custom-made jade seals on their commemorative wedding books, and vowed to "hold hands with each other and grow old together".

Each alumni couple received a special wedding gift integrating intangible cultural heritage items. The wedding book incorporated elements of fine-line paper-cutting, the hair embroidery work "Kiss of Love" depicted the beauty of love, and paper cutouts conveyed love and brought the Wenzhou University campus to life.

"I am 90 years old this year, just like Wenzhou University." Among the alumni couples who participated in the event, Yang Chengyu and Shi Pinzhen, both graduates of Wenzhou Teachers' College, the predecessor of Wenzhou University, were the oldest couple.

Yang said that he met his wife at Wenzhou University and they both worked at the university after graduating. They have been living together for 61 years. "Wenzhou University gave me my wife, career, and family. Today, participating in the school's 90th anniversary alumni wedding is a joy on top of joy."

The alumni wedding was the largest and most-attended collective wedding in the history of Wenzhou University, and many alumni returned to their alma mater from Yunnan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Shandong and other places.


An alumni couple showcases their wedding book. [Photo/WeChat account: wenzhoudaxue-1933]

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