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Wenzhou welcomes 3.37m tourists during May Day holiday

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: May 5, 2023


The Gongyuan Road pedestrian street in Wenzhou is bustling with visitors at night. [Photo by Zhao Yong/WeChat account: wenzhoufabu]

During the five-day May Day holiday, major scenic spots in Wenzhou were crowded with people, with enthusiasm for going out far exceeding that of previous years, driving the explosive development of the consumer market.

According to preliminary statistics, during the holiday, a total of 73 A-level scenic spots in the city received 3.37 million visitors, with ticket revenue of 45.14 million yuan ($6.53 million) and operating revenue of 55.59 million yuan, up 136.35 percent, 328.44 percent, and 216.95 percent, respectively, compared to last year.

Among them, the top three in terms of visitor numbers were Yandang Mountain Scenic Area in Yueqing (522,500 visitors), Nanxi River Scenic Area in Yongjia (475,000 visitors), and Yanting Scenic Area in Cangnan (191,200 visitors).

In the face of the public's high enthusiasm, Wenzhou has made early plans and preparations, and various scenic spots have launched special cultural tourism projects, with various benefits for people also being introduced.

As of May 3, more than 400 cultural and tourism consumption promotion activities had been held in the city, with more than 2.79 million participants and 7.551 million yuan in consumer vouchers and other subsidies distributed.

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