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Wenzhou recruits investment promotion partners worldwide

chinadaily.com.cn|Updated: June 2, 2023


A panoramic view of Wenzhou. [Photo/WeChat account: wenzhoufabu]

Wenzhou in East China's Zhejiang province is inviting organizations with high-quality resources to be its investment promotion partners, local media outlets reported on May 31.

These organizations include industry associations, alliances, leading companies, fund management institutions, law offices, alumni associations, Wenzhou chambers of commerce, and more.

Applicants are required to be qualified to independently undertake civil or commercial legal affairs and experienced in investment promotion and activity organization. They also must be willing to bring high-quality projects to Wenzhou.

After becoming the city's investment promotion partners, these organizations will receive 200,000 yuan ($28,191) in financial support per year, in addition to other incentives.

They are required to offer consulting services at least five times, provide at least 12 effective clues for projects, invite at least 10 leading companies or multinational businesses to visit Wenzhou, or vice versa, and bring in at least two major industrial projects over the term of the agreement.

Interested organizations can send their application forms to 10015831@qq.com from May 30 to June 7.

Click https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/D47ObmFAY3CHkCV9N1TsnQ to download the form.

For more information, please contact Ms Fang at +086-0577-88968282/88960701

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