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Hangzhou Asian Games promotional film 'Wave Rider' Released

ehangzhou.gov.cn|Updated: June 16, 2023

Wave Rider, the promotional film of the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022. [Video/hangzhou2022.cn]

To celebrate the start of the 100-day countdown to the Hangzhou Asian Games, a promotional film called Wave Rider was recently released, showcasing the natural beauty, cultural heritage, sporting excellence, and digital innovations of Hangzhou, the host city, along with its five co-host cities to Asia and the world.

The film follows a young wave rider who embarks on a journey that transcends time and connects the ancient and modern aspects of Hangzhou, starting from the sacred land of Liangzhu, a symbol of China's 5,000 years of civilization. It presents the city's scenic landscapes represented by West Lake, the Hangzhou section of the Grand Canal, and the Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City, as well as the Asian Games venues, major city landmarks, and sporting events.

In addition to its grand and exquisite visuals, the film incorporates hand-drawn illustrations in a modern Chinese style. The camera team also captured the bustling streets, steaming Hangzhou cuisine, and trendy young people.

The film features various guests from different fields, including a seal engraving expert from the Xiling Seal Society, a Longjing tea master, a diabolo cultural promoter, and a table tennis prodigy. From influential cultural figures to ordinary citizens, every face that appears on the screen has a story to tell about the Games.

The Asian Games has brought new vitality and opportunities to the city, showcasing Hangzhou’s enthusiasm for contributing to the sporting event with the participation of the entire population.

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