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Expats invited to serve as Asian Games journalists in Wenzhou

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: July 4, 2023


A foreigner interviews a football player at the Wenzhou Sports Center Stadium. [Photo/wenzhoudaily]

The Wenzhou Overseas Media Center and the College of International Education at Wenzhou University recently organized a special event for 25 international residents living and working in Wenzhou as well as international students from various Asian countries.

The purpose of the event was to give them a firsthand experience serving as Asian Games journalists by visiting the Wenzhou Sports Center. During the visit, some of the international participants had the opportunity to interview football players in English.

The highlight of the day was the "ZSL Invitational Tournament" held at the Wenzhou Sports Center Stadium. The tournament followed the standards set for the Asian Games, ensuring that all aspects, including venues, ticketing, logistics, security, transportation, and medical services, were tested and executed correctly.


International participants share their reflections on the activity. [Photo/wenzhoudaily]

After the football match, the international guests were given the chance to conduct interviews with the players in the designated mixed interview area. Jan, a Mozambican student from Wenzhou University, expressed his excitement, saying, "I have a passion for football, and I’m thrilled to have been invited to witness this wonderful match. I never expected to have the opportunity to conduct face-to-face interviews with the players. It's truly an amazing experience!"

The event at the Wenzhou Sports Center provided international residents and students with an unforgettable experience, giving them a taste of what it's like to be a sports journalist at major international competitions. It not only showcased the city's dedication to hosting sporting events but also fostered cultural exchange and friendship among the international participants. Such initiatives contribute to the overall development of Wenzhou as a vibrant and inclusive city on the global stage.


International participants watch a football match. [Photo/wenzhoudaily]

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