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Wenzhou to open 15 special lanes to serve Asian Games

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: August 21, 2023


The lane for Hangzhou Asian Games vehicles. [Photo/WeChat account: ouhaifabu]

Wenzhou in East China's Zhejiang province plans to open 15 special traffic lanes dedicated to serving the upcoming Hangzhou Asian Games, as a number of events will be held in the city, according to the Traffic Management Bureau of Wenzhou Public Security Bureau.

The special lanes in various parts of the city are mainly located on Asian Games commuting routes. Currently, the construction of the lanes is still ongoing and is expected to be completed by the end of August.

To address residents' concerns, Wenzhou authorities said that before the official launch of the Asian Games lanes, vehicles can freely use the road. The lanes will be used at designated times and in different categories and will be announced in advance to the public.

When the lanes are in use, they will only be available for motor vehicles serving the Asian Games, including vehicles with passes issued by the Asian Games Organizing Committee, vehicles with Asian Games special lane usage privileges such as shuttle buses, broadcast vehicles, and security vehicles, emergency vehicles such as police cars, fire trucks, ambulances, and engineering emergency vehicles, and vehicles performing emergency guard duties.

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