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Wenzhou introduces professional rural managers program

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: August 24, 2023


A bird-eye view of the countryside in Wenzhou. [Photo/WeChat account: wenzhoufabu]

Wenzhou, a city nestled in East China’s Zhejiang province, will recruit its first cohort of professional rural managers starting from September this year.

Professional rural managers are managers familiar with agricultural and rural affairs.

The recruitment of professional rural managers has been seen in many other places in recent years, and the talent’s role in rural vitalization is increasingly highlighted.

The program will be implemented in 20 villages and rural communities noted for their favorable conditions and a strong demand for managerial talent.

The program offers a considerable and diversified compensation package, including a baseline annual salary of 180,000 yuan ($24,717), with extra benefits including free housing, subsidized farming and local education for managers’ children. Performance assessments of those who form an operation team will also be conducted.

The move serves as a step in Wenzhou’s pilot program to recruit and cultivate a group of highly qualified professional managers, which aims to propel development of the rural collective economy by enhancing the rural living environment, rural cultural and tourism industries, and asset management.

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