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Civil rescue teams safeguard Asian Games in Wenzhou

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: September 14, 2023

In anticipation of the upcoming Asian Games, a comprehensive drill for the torch relay was recently conducted in Wenzhou.

The relay, starting from Hangzhou on Sept 8, is scheduled to take place on Sept 15 in Wenzhou, where dragon boat racing and football matches for the Games will be hosted.

Dozens of civil rescue organizations in Wenzhou have been actively engaged in emergency services for the Asian Games.

For the torch relay in Wenzhou, 100 members with equipment will be positioned along the relay route. During the Games, multiple teams will be on standby to assist around the Wenzhou Olympic Sports Center; members with search and rescue boats will also be ready at the Wenzhou Dragon Boat Sports Center.

"Each team is equipped with standard transport vehicles, AED defibrillators, stretchers, neck braces, and other emergency response instruments. In addition to maintaining constant communication with the venue staff, we are also ready for dispatches from the emergency management department," explained one team leader.

Yongzhong sub-district in Longwan district, one of sub-districts where competitions will be held, has also formed a township-level emergency service team, consisting of sub-teams from 22 administrative villages.

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