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Wenzhou stands ready to co-host Asian Games after five years of preparation

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: September 18, 2023

In late 2017, Wenzhou, a city in East China's Zhejiang province, was designated as a co-host city for the Hangzhou Asian Games and is set to hold football and dragon boat competitions. Now, Wenzhou's transformation and meticulous preparations have taken center stage in the lead-up to the Games.

Construction has been a pivotal point from the beginning, with work done on three venues: the Wenzhou Olympic Sports Center, Wenzhou Dragon Boat Sports Center, and Wenzhou Sports Center.

The Olympic Sports Center broke ground in June 2018 and was completed in September 2021. Utilizing state-of-the-art engineering techniques such as vacuum preloading and ultra-long pile synced construction, the center has hosted five matches..

The Wenzhou Dragon Boat Sports Center is considered one of the most high-end centers of its kind in Asia. It passed inspection last October.

Having been erected in the 1990s and situated in the heart of the old central urban area, the Wenzhou Sports Center needed to be renovated rather than built from scratch, a task made difficult by challenges ranging from aging facilities to limited space. Starting in 2018, the renovation featured upgrades to the road before the sports center, entrance, functional rooms, competition lawns, and overall landscape, transforming the center into a modern, recognized venue.

Beyond sporting venues, Wenzhou has undertaken massive enhancements in the urban environment, encompassing the beautification of major routes, key areas, public squares, and parks. Over 700 signs have been updated  for international visitors; 135 old neighborhoods have received a facelift; 17 parks have either been constructed or refurbished; signage updates featuring both Chinese and English have been completed for over 80 roads and 1,000 signposts.

Through its growing arm and influence in the sports community, Wenzhou has hosted various national events this year, including marathons, judo championships, and freestyle wrestling championships. These events have helped Wenzhou prepare for the Games.

The city has recruited and trained volunteers, as they are expected to play crucial roles in event promotion, civic guidance, traffic management, and emergency assistance. A total of nearly 13,200 students from six colleges in Wenzhou have applied to become volunteers, 1,750 of whom will be selected and dispatched during the games.

Furthermore, a service motorcade comprising 200 vehicles is ready for ignition, with two new hydrogen-fueled lines, three bus lines designed for the Games and five shuttle lines connecting different venues.

Over five years have been dedicated to preparing for the upcoming event. As the Asian Games kick off on Sept 23, Wenzhou is expected to debut as an exceptional co-host city.

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