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Millennium-old cultural lane comes alive in Wenzhou

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: November 7, 2023

Wenzhou's historic Mochifang lane is experiencing a revival, attracting locals, tourists and couples. This ancient district, steeped in history, has been revitalized through continuing preservation and innovative initiatives.

Tourists can now enjoy afternoons at the Wuma History Culture Block, where the lane is located, while enjoying a cup of coffee. Strolling around the block, a powerful aroma of historical charm and modern-day leisure will wash over you.


Kids romp in the lane in early autumn. [Photo/66wz.com]

The lane is also a place where cultures converge. Architectures built in different times, based on different cultures, connect the past and the present here. The district's architecture reflects a fusion of Eastern and Western influences, further enriching its historical significance.


Time and cultures left their influence in the block's architectures. [Photo/66wz.com]

The block itself has transformed into a bustling area, making it a popular destination for young people's rendezvous. The lane has also become a platform for cultural exchange and sightseeing, drawing visitors from all around and offering a unique blend of cultural experiences. 

But still, it preserves the legacy of Wang Xizhi, the master of calligraphy, who used to write by the pool. The lane became a must-visit destination during the national holidays, attracting over 150,000 visitors during the period.


Strollers pass by the area, which is continously preserved. [Photo/66wz.com]

The success of culture-based renovation is a testament to the importance of preserving historical districts while breathing new life into them. The lane stands as a vibrant example of how history and modernity can coexist harmoniously, creating a living legacy for the city of Wenzhou.

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