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Wenzhou receives national recognition as exemplary copyright city

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: November 24, 2023

Wenzhou was hailed as a national-level city for its work in copyright protection and development.

This acknowledgment, received during the 9th China International Copyright Expo and 2023 International Copyright Forum in Chengdu on Nov 23, adds another prestigious accolade to the city's profile.

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Wenzhou receives accolade in the forum. [Photo/WeChat account: wenzhoufabu]

Wenzhou is set to launch the 2023 pilot program for the protection and promotion of civil literature and art copyrights as one of the 10 pilot cities. This launch follows the city's diligent efforts over the past three years to empower private sector growth through copyright application and protection. With over 30,000 registered general artworks and 500 percent growth since 2020, the city leads Zhejiang province in the number of copyright registrations.

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The city has set up a copyright demonstration museum. [Photo/WeChat account: wenzhoufabu]

The city's efforts are further exemplified by the establishment of three national-level copyright protection demonstration entities. 

Wenzhou's copyright endeavors have not gone unnoticed, earning prestigious awards such as the National Copyright Outstanding Contribution Award. The city's copyright-related practices have been recognized as an insightful solution for driving regional private sector development.

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